Intelligent Automation within SAP
Discover how your organisation can improve workplace safety, plant reliability and refine the inspection recording process by implementing AG’s Smart Inspections.
AG’s Smart Inspections Mobile gives you the information from your inspections to help you refine your maintenance strategies and paves the way to achieve compliance for your regulatory items in an easier and more efficient manner. To learn how to achieve asset management excellence by implementing AG's Smart Inspections – an SAP mobile solution for managing site inspections - join SAP Gold Partner AG for a webinar on 30th March at 2:00 PM BST with AG's SAP experts Nick Champion and Scott Brumby for this interesting and informative session.
Performing a routine inspection, maintenance, field service, and monitoring the process in the field traditionally requires a lot of manual work and handwritten records, without real-time access to information. Switching manually collected data into digital format is not only labour-intensive and time-consuming but also prone to human errors.
Field inspectors will tell you that the paperwork approach can create a tough situation to find the balance between plant reliability, workspace safety, and refining the inspection recording process. This also results in frequent issues with paper-based data entry during the inspection, issues with locating the right asset, or no validation to ensure all the inspection checkpoints are covered during a physical inspection.Whether you are an Operations Manager looking to enhance field service and maintenance life, a Quality Control Manager looking to eliminate inspection delays and support information traceability and data integrity, or a CEO looking for new ways to adopt a modern, mobile solution for your organisation, you will benefit from the guidance and tips this webinar provides.
To watch on demand, click here
Turn yourself into an inspections superstar with AG Smart Inspections.