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SAP Materials Management

As an SAP Gold Partner, specialising in SAP Materials Management Solution, we help businesses deliver excellence at scale with our configuration and implementation processes.

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SAP Gold Partner
SAP_Recognized Expertise Full

Executive Summary

Effective material management is crucial for streamlined supply chain operations. However, businesses face challenges such as inaccurate inventory control, resulting in stockouts or surplus inventory, impacting cash flow and customer satisfaction. Additionally, the absence of real-time visibility into inventory and processes complicates decision-making, causing inefficiencies and delays.

As an SAP Gold Partner, AG offers specialised expertise in SAP Materials Management to help businesses optimise processes, improve visibility, and reduce costs effectively. Our team of professionals delivers customised solutions tailored to meet your specific business needs, ensuring smooth integration into existing systems with minimal disruption. We provide ongoing support and optimisation services to ensure that your SAP systems adapt to evolving business requirements and regulatory changes, maintaining peak performance and compliance.

Partner with AG and transform your supply chain efficiency with SAP Materials Management. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can drive your business forward.

SAP Materials Management: Intro

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The Challenges


Developing robust systems and business practices in Procurement and SAP Materials Management can benefit most businesses.

However, while the need to improve in this area is often straightforward – take, for example, excess stock, the absence of volume discounts or frequent operational delays – taking action that addresses the problem at its root without creating new issues elsewhere can be challenging.

compliance and risk management in supply chain and materials management sap

Compliance & Risk Management

realtime visibility

Lack of Real-Time Visibility

poor inventory control

Poor Inventory Control

complex procurement processes

Complex Procurement Processes

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What AG Provides


Your supply chain and stores... but working for you!

At AG, we are not purely technologists; we are solution engineers. This means we are concerned with and understand the bigger picture, ensuring our solutions address critical business problems.

We provide expert SAP Materials Management consulting services backed by extensive industry experience in solving Supply ChainInventory Management and Field Logistics challenges, to name a few.

We combine this knowledge with deep SAP expertise to create high-quality, practical, effective solutions.

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Our Approach



As Materials Management is often integrated with other areas of SAP, we start your project by understanding how different parts of the business could be affected.

For example, suppose you are struggling with master data quality. This can have far-reaching consequences, not just for your master data and reporting teams, but also for your overall business operations, encompassing sales, production, and projects.

The expert SAP Materials Management consultants at AG are trusted by businesses to improve data quality by engineering practical and effective solutions with no adverse impact on other areas.

We also help to define and implement process automation and reporting that drive efficiency, generate insights and put you back in control of your business.

Solution Benefits

Better Insights

Insightful reporting on which you can rely.

Reduce Costs

Lower costs with a practical approach to remediation.

Better Performance

Receive parts right when you need them.

Improved Cashflow

Optimise your inventory for better cashflow.

Our SAP Services & Related Expertise


SAP Field Logistics Solutions

SAP Field Logistics Solutions

We offer innovative SAP Field Logistics solutions, streamlining your operations with expert support and real-time data.

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SAP Sales and Distribution services

SAP Sales and Distribution

Focuses on efficiently handling your sales operations, customer relationships, and product distribution.

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SAP Warehouse Management services

SAP Warehouse Management

Efficiently manages businesses' inventory, space, and resources with precise and timely order fulfilment.

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SAP EWM consultancy services

SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM)

Empowers businesses to efficiently handle all aspects of warehouse processes, from inventory management to order fulfilment.

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SAP Supply Chain Management services

SAP Supply Chain Management

Leverage our expertise to enhance visibility, streamline processes, and drive efficiency across your supply chain. Achieve superior performance in your supply chain operations.

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SAP Plant Maintenance services

SAP Plant Maintenance

AG optimises your maintenance processes with tailored SAP Plant Maintenance solutions, ensuring enhanced efficiency, real-time insights, and regulatory compliance.

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SAP Inventory Management services

SAP Inventory Management

We optimise your inventory control with tailored SAP Inventory Management solutions, expert support, and real-time insights.

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SAP Supply Chain & Logistics Automation solutions and services

SAP Supply Chain & Logistics Automation

Enhances your operations with SAP Supply Chain & Logistics Automation ensuring a seamless process integration.

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